Thursday, November 23, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving

It’s a good day for me. I enjoyed myself and my family today and I could only wish everyone was as fortunate.


Monday, November 20, 2006

Happy Birthday to me!

Today is my 36th birthday! Normally around this time of year I try to do a complete review of who I am what I did this year and what I would like to do and improve on.

More on that some other day for now my only 2.5 birthday wishes are for
1) Continued good health
2) My bird to stop plucking her feathers
2.5) Be nice to meet the right lady for me to date.

Be Well

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Nothing to say

I do not have anything to say today that is horribly interesting. I was reading over my old posts and saw that my blog anniversary is coming up.

I enjoy the look of my blog a bit more but it still feels like its still missing some personal touches. Either way I should be posting more now that I enjoy the look of my blog again.

No big plans for tonight but I am off work tomorrow.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

No News

I am not that interesting I guess.

Nothing much is new with me really. To review basically, I gained some weight, lost some hair, still single with a bird that now plucks her feathers (Frown) and staring down my 36th birthday in the next few days.

I am considering buying a GPS for driving and a separate one for hiking.
Besides that I have a medium term length plan to buy a condo next year.
I am staring a new psychiatrist this week and I am trying to focus on finding new friends that want to 'do' instead of watch.

In the end, I am more lazy then I wish and I am rather tried of being single. I have determined that my single life is due to me 100% and perhaps the therapist can help?

On the upside. I am training for a hike this upcoming spring and I am almost 100% out of debut for the third time in my life.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Bye GrandMother

My GrandMother past away this last week on Tuesday 11/07/06. She was a stubborn, loner but a good lady and I will miss her.

Bye :(