Wednesday, January 05, 2005


I have played chess for years was even part of the USFC nationally rated 1300. One day many years ago I am playing these guys who were a bunch of pawn pushers for the USFC. A pawn pusher means they would win via pawn position and having one or two extra pawns. This style of playing always drained me and made me feel like I was playing against a book.
Anyway, while playing the last guy he falls down and has a heart attack, dies shortly after never seeing another thing but my silly chess game. This bothered me for many years and made me not want to play.

Recently, I have played a few games some even at work but my coworkers think I get mad at losing. I guess this is kind of true, I am use to playing a game win or loss and playing another. I am not a fan of speed chess or anything like that and above all I get very focused and serious when I play even when I lose. VERY unlike me for those that know me.

Today I lost a chess game and I went right back to work while my coworkers said I was mad. Meanwhile I was not mad that I know just focused on the after thoughts of the game and mistakes I made and that I needed to start working again.

Anyway, this teasing drove me to decide to not play again at work perhaps that makes me a baby but really I do not need to be told I am angry even if I am cause most people know being told your angry just makes it worse.

Be well, Live Strong.

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