Wednesday, December 06, 2006


Dating is so strange to me and I am obviously not very good at dating since I have a long history of being single and having short relationships.

So here is my story.

My friends are setting me up with this one lady and she called me last night. We talked for a while but I have a cold and cut the conversation off early. Anyway, the conversation went fine I think and there are hopes for more. I hope I was interesting and inquisitive enough for our first chat...

Then randomly today the cute cross guard left a note on my car today for me to call her. I called her and she asked me out for a new years eve party with her friends and brother. I said yes but I am worried that since it would be our first date and she has said no to me in the past she could just be making me her cash patsy.
So, I am going to try and take her out at least once before the party.

So thats what is going on this week so far. Very exciting, very confusing and overall interesting to have two women appear out of the blue. I hope one of the two works out for me. That would be nice for a change.
Besides that I have vacation next week and I am going to see friends in Syracuse and then Connecticut.

Good luck to me and be well

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