Thursday, December 23, 2004

Women in my past, present, future and The Thong

The title says it all.
Women in my life past, present, future and the always incredible even mighty but sometimes inappropriate Thong.

I must take a moment and look at the women in my past, present, and future. These ladies I am happy to say each was, is or will be unique yet each share(d) some similar qualities. For dating me has not been a easy task; one thing I have said historically is that I was a much better friend then someone to date. This has been true but I have gone to great lengths to correct this fault.

Note: I term dating as an event that occurs with two people that involves feelings of a romantic type. This is why I think you can date someone for as little as one day. Other then say a booty call, a no strings attached arrangement or a random situation were there are little or no feelings involved

I have been very fortunate to have crossed paths with a few special women some of which I have "dated" for as little as one day and one for as long as two years. Sadly, I am only really friendly with 2 of these women that I dated in the past. One of theses two women is dating someone happily off in the land of mountain's far away from NJ. The other lives quite close to me and funny enough I just recently offend her with an apathy that perhaps I should have rethought before voicing.

I am currently on Match, single and looking. Besides that I have been on one date with a girl and we are scheduled for more

There are women from time to time that I can visualize or fantasize about dating but these women may never come to attrition; especially if someone in the present works out.
The Thong
The Thong needs a national day were people of the nation would thank the women that should and are wearing a Thong. The day would be called Thong Day of course.
I am skipping ahead a little so let me back up and say that a Thong is a wondrous piece of material that when worn by a women that should wear it will allow this women to look spectacular for those people that get the privilege to see the Thong on the appropriate women. Ahhh yes The Thong is very similar to Cinderella's Magic Glass Slipper or even Thor's Magic Thunder Hammer when worn by a women that deserves to wear The Thong.

It must be said that while The Thong is a powerful item that allows for greatness on the right women. Be WARNED that when The Thong is worn by a woman that does not have the privilege to wear The Thong then the price is great and Woe ought to be through-out all the lands. The Wretchedness of the poorly worn Thong is so grand that the sun itself should be clouded or better yet darkness should fall across all the lands.


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